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    College Admissions

    Expert college admission advices can emphasize the difference between getting into a good college and a great one. While good grades and test scores are necessary to get into any top college school, there are many other components that can make up a great college application. American Math Academy’s certified counselors work in person with students to create a college application that stands above the rest. Some areas of interest that we cover include:

    • Selecting courses that can reflect and in field with the student’s intellectual capacity, inner and outer skills and personal capabilities to handle.
    • Identifying the right extracurricular activities to showcase passion and talent of the student.
    • Giving vital opportunities to demonstrate civic engagement.
    • Taking part in summer programs for intellectual and personal growth.
    • Writing the perfect college application essay.
    • Developing interview skills that can help the students be fluent, confident and be at ease to catch their attention.